Flashback Art Attack

You know how your parents keep everything that you make? From the noodle necklace to the funky ornaments they’ve got it boxed up somewhere. My parents are no exception to this rule, perhaps the only difference is that I ended up making a career out of creating, so its a little weird to see value put on the the quirky learning curve of high school and college art projects. Since I’ve been spending a few weeks at my parents house on the east coast this summer, I’ve started to notice just how much of my art my parents have around the house. Here are a few pieces (college friends might recognize some of these oldies!) circa 1997-1998. More to come, Enjoy!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Flashback Art Attack
Remember when I said there was a time when I threw pots on the wheel? These pieces were thrown too after I gave up on making pots.
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Flashback Art Attack
Love the crackle texture on this big hand-built guy.
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Flashback Art Attack
Another thrown piece, but the thing I love about this one is to see that I’ve been cutting holes in my sculptures for a very very long time.












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