Flashback Art Attack: newish stuff

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | flashback art attack: newish stuff
As my 3 weeks on the east coast visiting friends and family wind down to the final hours, here are just a few more images of art from my parents house, minus the stuff I’m just too embarrassed to claim I made and they won’t get rid of. Sometimes its good to see a retrospective of how your art has evolved over time and where influences have been injected into your work and sometimes, not so much. The top image is a silhouette of small pieces from my Sprout Series, I love the way these pieces look against the sky. Below are pieces from my more recent Nest Series and Linked Series, both focus on the connections between organic shapes. Enjoy!
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | flashback art attack: newish stuff Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | flashback art attack: newish stuff









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