Feeling the love

Yesterday was my last official class at the studio for the year. Normally, I have back-to-back classes all day long, so it’s always a busy day filled with my talented students coming and going. Yesterday was as busy as ever but such a surprise of a day! I started off my first class with a gift of an original ink drawing from one of my students that was inspired by my bone series– so amazing!

Then towards the end of class I was surprised with a gift from my entire adult class who apparently had been in cahoots with each other for awhile to gift me a clay extruder for the studio! I was so surprised, I don’t know if I expressed how amazing and thoughtful this was of them. I can’t wait to see what we can do with it when we start up classes in January! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to you all!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | feeling the loveJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | feeling the loveJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | feeling the love









Not to be outdone, my next class brought a day old baby dwarf goat to the studio – wearing a pink sweater! The baby needed to be bottle fed, so they have to take it everywhere with them and I got to hold a sleeping baby goat all class!

Top that off with hugs, holiday wishes and happiness from all my little students throughout the day left me feeling the love.

Such gratitude to you all… thank you!


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