Awesome Foundation Summer Winners

Congratulations to the June, July + August winners of the Santa Cruz Awesome Foundation!

In June, Alex Rocha-Alvarez won for her project Photography Workshops for Farmworker Youth which will empower youth to capture the essence of their own homes through photography. Students will learn basic photography skills such as understanding composition, lighting, focus, and exposure, but the focus will be on encouraging them to find special parts of their community that they want to capture and convey to others.

July’s winner was Chris Garcia with Literature for Laundrymats, a project aiming to fill a void by presenting material of literary merit to those waiting for their clothes to dry. Designed to be read in portions, the project has already began to get submissions and has designed a plan to deliver the zine to laundry facilities around Santa Cruz county.

And in August, we awarded Elizabeth Yznaga for Senior-focused CPR/AED Instruction, which will fund upgraded equipment and allow for new weekly AED mini workshops at the Santa Cruz Community Farmer’s Markets specifically targeting the education of seniors.

Check out past projects here

We love reviewing these amazing, creative ideas – keep them coming Santa Cruz! $1000 micro-grants are given out monthly. Got an Awesome idea that needs a little funding? Pitch it here!

Want to join the Santa Cruz Awesome Foundation Team? Email us here!

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