Where can I find your Art?

This is a question I get all the time when I meet new people who want to see my work in person rather than just in the website Shop. I have all my art exhibits listed in the Events page of my site, but I thought I’d put out a post with all the current and near future shows coming up. Hope that if you are local to these events you can get out there, support local businesses and BUY ART! Enjoy…

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Mulberry GalleryCurrent:
Santa Cruz Art League Gift Shop Santa Cruz CA | thru 2015
Good Life Ceramics Santa Cruz CA | thru 2015
Homeless Garden Project Store Santa Cruz CA | thru 2015
Mulberry Gallery Aptos CA | thru 2015
Sierra Azul Gardens Watsonville CA | June 1 – Oct 31
Pacific Edge Climbing Gym Santa Cruz CA | thru 2015
Earth Art Studio Aptos CA | ongoing by appointment



The Compound Gallery Oakland CA | July 18 – Sept 6 | Opening July 18, 6-9 pm
ArtPrize Grand Rapids MI | Sept 8 – Oct 11 | Opening Sept 25th
Open Studios 2015, October 10, 11, 17 & 18th, 11 – 5 pm
Stripe (November)

July Studio News

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | installations | bone series outdoor installation



Here’s the monthly wrap up of everything going on at the studio…

July Studio News

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Summer Sculpting Workshop Session 4

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | summer sculpture workshop session 4


Past the halfway point of summer workshops, today we are working with the basics. Pinch pots and coils to create cute coiled flamingos in pinch pot pools. We’ll be carving the pools to have wave patterns and when they are fired, we’ll melt some glass in the bottoms of them to appear like water. Once these guys are glazed and fired, we’ll glue in some wooden dowel legs so they can stand in their pools.

A few spots are still available if you’d like to join in on the fun: Sign Up for Summer Workshops Today!



Relics of the Tide at The Compound Gallery

relics of the tide: a new exhibit by jenni ward

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | relics of the tide


July 18th-September 6th, 2015
Artist Reception: Saturday, July 18th, 2015  6-9

The Bone Series is a new line of ceramic sculpture that is focused on the remains of a form. The pieces are abstract interpretations of biological creatures that may have had fleshy fins, flanges or appendages, and these bone structures are all that remains after the flesh is gone.  Ward imagines that these pieces might have been discovered in the natural world and are the only clues to the past of what this creature might have been. These relics have been preserved for viewing.

The Compound Gallery
1167 65th st. Oakland, CA 94608
HOURS: Wed-Sun 12-7pm



Ceramics as a Material

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | happy earth day!I have been asked over and over again in interviews “why clay?”, “why don’t you call yourself a potter?” and “what does it mean to be a ceramic sculptor?”.  I sympathize with this quote by David R Harper about working with a material like ceramics: “No one likes feeling like they belong on the outside and that they have to defend their material … especially when their material is older than any other material,” he says. “But we do.” This article is such a great discussion on the role ceramics as a material plays in the world of art and craft. Click the link to read on…

The new age of ceramics blurs the lines between art and craft
by LAURA BEESTON | The Globe and Mail
“In the world of ceramics, there has been a curious – and compelling – blurring of lines between art and craft. While contemporary artists embrace the medium and play with form, artisans are elevating everyday items to objets d’art”

Playing with Art Underwater

Last weekend I got to hang out with my twin niece and nephew Maddie & Tom at the lake- so much fun with these two! I brought a few pieces of art with me to play with in the rocks which was an adventure to hang onto the rocks, not tip the boat or drop cameras in the water but then my nephew used his waterproof case on his iphone to take video of my work under water in the lake. Check out the video here: Seed Pod Series Underwater

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | playing with art underwater



Summer Sculpting Workshop Session 3

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | summer sculpting workshop session 3

Today we’re working on some watermelon paper mache bowls using a balloon as our mold. We’ll be looking to the color wheel to learn about complementary colors and choose which pair of colors we’d like to use to paint the surface of the melon bowls. I think an abstract purple and yellow watermelon would look pretty tasty!




Creative Play Time

Got the opportunity to relax with the family this week at the lake. Can’t help but be inspired by the change of scenery as you drive from the Pacific coastline inland towards the Sierras.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | creative play time Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | creative play time Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | creative play time








Bone Series Installation Photos Are Up!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | bone series installation photos are up


If you haven’t had a chance to get to the Sculpture IS: 2015 exhibit at Sierra Azul Gardens in Watsonville, you can check out a sneak peek of my Bone Series Installation here on the website.  View the portfolio…

The show is up until October 31st, so make sure to get out there and check out all the amazing work in the garden. Also, click the link to read the Santa Cruz Sentinel article about the show. Enjoy!

In The Studio

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | in the studio
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | in the studio Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | in the studio


I’ve been playing with new compositions of some lichen shaped forms lately. I’m imagining them to be wall mounted and curve in a way that they appear to be crawling or growing along the wall. Thoughts?