Free Ebook!

jenni ward ceramic sculpture | a relationship with earth


I’ve just launched my book a relationship with earth as an ebook! If you JOIN my mailing list, you get the ebook for FREE! When you join the monthly event mailing list you’ll get musings on what’s going on in the studio, info on upcoming exhibitions, events and special offers. Hardcover books are still available in the shop.


Haitian Invasion

I’m so excited to see my favorite artist friends at Atis Rezistans (Resistant Artists) from Port-au-Prince Haiti here in California! My good friend Kathy Barbro who owns Art Projects for Kids and an art teacher in LA ran a campaign to get Romel Jean-Pierre, Claudel Casseus & Racine Polycarpe here to teach art at her school for a week. I’m sure that the kids at her school are so thrilled and had such fun art adventures this week. After the week is up, they are all road tripping up to Santa Cruz for a visit and I can’t wait! In addition to the three guys coming, it just happens that my friend Nadine Dolores Francois who runs an orphanage and girls empowerment program in Port-au-Prince will be here as well. This is her first trip to the US, so its extra exciting to have her here. You can learn more about my connections to Haiti and the projects that I’ve done there with these amazing people by checking out the Philanthropy Projects page. More pics to come of our epic art adventures during the Haitian Invasion week!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Haitian Invasion

artists supporting artists

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | artists supporting artists


One of the best things about being an artist is that you get to know a lot of other talented artists in your community and sometimes you get to trade or buy work from each other. I have work from a number of Santa Cruz based artists in my collection that I love and I’ve realized that they are some of the most valuable things I own. This weekend, I got to install my friend and favorite artist, Susana Arias‘ work in my home. This wood fired ceramic oar above my front window is over 8’ long and looks as if it has been unearthed from the depths of the ocean. I’ve been so in love with these pieces from her Sailmaker series since I first laid eyes on them, so excited to finally have one of my own!





Sculpture IS: 2015 Installation

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Sculpture IS: 2015 installation

This weekend, Nate and I were over at Sierra Azul Gardens in Watsonville to install the new Bone Series piece, we worked on it for over 4 hours and it still needs a little tweaking but it’s looking really good! These are the same pieces (plus a few more) that I used for my Bone Series Installation at the MAH for Everybody’s Ocean exhibit, but the pieces are being displayed in a completely new configuration. Conceptually, I feel that the pieces in this installation represent the connections we have with each other, the synapses happening within our own bodies and how we are stitched together from past to present, from inside and out.

Be sure to come by for the opening of Sculpture Is: 2015 on June 11th from 5:00 – 7:00pm. The exhibit will be up from June 1 – Oct 31, 2015.



young talent at earth art studio

I have been teaching clay classes to kids and adults through a variety of programs for nearly 20 years and I’ve held classes out of my home studio since 2005. I have seen students go from little 5 year olds making cookie cutter smilely faces to mini-artists making masterpieces. Here is just a sampling of my talented students working on the wheel and showing off finished work. I’m so impressed by their attention to craftsmanship, their patience to work on a project week after week and their ability to let go when its just not working out. I’m so lucky to get to spend time with these guys!

To learn more about classes at the studio for kids, teens and adults, click the link: earth art studio

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | young artists at earth art studioJenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | young artists at earth art studio Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | young artists at earth art studio








The Bone Series at the Compound Gallery

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | relics of the tideI’ve been a part of the Art in a Box program at The Compound Gallery in Oakland CA for a few years now, which has been great. They’ve recently expanded their studio spaces and added a new sculpture exhibition space called the Fabrefaction Gallery and I’ve been invited to exhibit my work there this summer. I’ll be showing work from my Bone Series in an exhibit called Relics of the Tide, these pieces have never been shown outside the studio so it is their public debut and I’m so excited!

Relics of the Tide
Show dates: July 18th – Sept 6th
Opening Reception: July 18th 6-9pm

About The Compound Gallery:
The COMPOUND Gallery & Studios was established in 2008.  We were voted Best Art Hang Out 2012 by the East Bay Express! Located in the Golden Gate district of North Oakland, our two buildings boast over 12,000 square feet. Visit them at: 1167 65th st. Oakland, CA 94608


Sculpture IS: 2015

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | sculpture IS: 2015

I’m  so excited to once again be participating in the Sculpture IS exhibit at Sierra Azul Gardens this summer. It’s one of my favorite local exhibits and it incorporates art and nature beautifully. This year I’ll be doing a site specific installation of my Bone Series. If you were able to make it to the Spring Studio Sale a few weeks ago, you saw a mock up if the installation in the studio, I’m hoping that the garden and sky space will only enhance what is already so exciting about this installation. Hope to see you at the reception!

Sierra Azul Gardens
2660 East Lake Ave Watsonville CA
Exhibition dates June 1 – Oct 31
Artists reception June 11, 5 – 7 pm

For more information contact: Pajaro Valley Arts Council Gallery