Yup, even artists take business trips! I’m off to my very first NCECA conference and I’m pretty excited….

If you don’t know about NCECA (pronounced EN-SEE-KAH, but stands for National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts), they are an organization that engages and sustains a community for ceramic art, teaching and learning. In addition to deepening knowledge within the field, NCECA expands it by working to cultivate the next generation of ceramic artists and enthusiasts through programing that affects professional artists, K-12 schools, community centers, universities, museums, galleries, businesses, organizations, collectors and enthusiasts of ceramic art. One of its exhibitions is a biannual conference hosted at different locations around the country at which they promote, explore and share the world of ceramics. NCECA 2015 is being held in Providence RI which not only gives me the chance see amazing ceramics all day every day but I also get to see my college roommate and fellow artist/art teacher who lives there and as a bonus experience- a tiny bit of this crazy east coast winter I keep hearing about.
More to follow in the next few days, so stay tuned….