
After nearly 12 inseparable years, last week, I lost my studio mate, hiking buddy and all around partner in crime. Indigo came into our lives as a fluffy four month old rescue puppy and we were in love from day one. In her short life, she camped & hiked all over the west coast in the sun, rain, snow & hail, road tripped through Baja where she was often mistaken as our pet lobo and was the greeting committee for hundreds of students and visitors that came through our studio. We are heartbroken and will dearly miss our adventurous and independent girl. It won’t be the same without you Indyboo.

Works for Sale in the Online SHOP!

Just a little reminder that if you missed seeing my work at Open Studios or any other art event this past year, you can still purchase work from the online shop. There are smaller works available from the Bone, Nest, Hive & Rock Candy Series as well as Art Hearts, Books and Gift Certificates… check out this sampling of what’s available or SHOP NOW

Take Aways: Art -to-Go!

Take Aways: Art To Go!
Exhibit Dates: January 23 – March 10, 2019
Opening Reception
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Time: 2:00 – 4:00PM

We invite you to join us for our first exhibit of 2019, Take Aways: Art to Go! This annual invitational exhibit features seventy of the county’s most notable artists. As a fundraising event these artists are presenting works that fit into many budgets. In this wildly popular show everyone benefits; you take home fabulous art the day of your purchase, the artists and PVA get their normal commissions, and new art comes into the gallery every day! Curators: Chris Miroyan, Jane Gregorius, Bruce Nicholson, Susanna Waddell

Kicking off the new year slowly…

2018 was a crazy busy year filled with travel and art adventures and I loved every minute of it but I’m intentionally starting off 2019 a little slower. Taking a few days to rest up, get my body on the correct time zone and be thoughtful about what is to come this year. The first things I did on the first day of the year was take a morning mile long swim in a 52 degree ocean- freezing but exhilarating- followed by a hike with family and friends. Not a bad way to start off my promise to spend as much time as possible outdoors! That said, I do have quite a few art adventures in the works already…

Kicking off the new year slowly... | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

First exhibit of the new year will be at Pajaro Valley Gallery for Take-Aways, Art-to-Go! in Watsonville where I’ll have small works for sale and I’ve collaborated with sculptor Jamie Abbott to make sculptural necklaces – they are so fun! Be sure to check out this exhibit when it opens January 23rd.

Larger work is getting shipped off in a few weeks to Cebera Gallery in Kansas City which is a pretty exciting line up of ceramic artists to join the ranks of. AND, I’ll also be headed to Florida towards the end of the month for a site visit on a potentially big public art project- fingers crossed for that one! So with all of that planned just for this month, a few days of taking it easy feels like a good choice. Hope you are all easing into the new year as well too!

happy happy, merry merry

It’s hard to believe that we are at the tail end of a very long and busy year but I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their support and positivity throughout the year. I really couldn’t of done it without you! To wrap up this past year…

happy happy, merry merry | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture
photo credit: Crystal Birns

…I had my first solo museum exhibit, my work was included in 16 shows, I participated in 2 different month long residencies, traveled to 5 new countries, and I installed a permanent piece of public art internationally for the first time – it was a pretty epic year to say the least! And as a bonus personal goal I’m particularly proud of,  I got yelled at (twice!) by a customs agent because my passport was too full of stamps. Next year’s plans already bring the promise of more exhibits, residencies, collaborations, more art making and travel (including a new passport!) – and I can’t wait! 

I always say it takes a village to raise and artist and I’m so grateful to call you all my village. Thank you for your continued support! 

Until 2019… happy happy & merry merry!


It Snowed on the Umbels!

It Snowed on the Umbels! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I was sent these pictures of my bright red Umbel Installation this morning after a proper snowfall in Mariestad Sweden. I love, love, love seeing them with with little piles of snow contrasting the red glaze. They remind me of the red winter berries on all of the shrubs. Happy Winter!!

art hearts for your sweethearts!

Art Hearts | shop | Earth Art Studio

Don’t forget that you can order Art Hearts from the online shop to give to your sweeties this holiday season! There are eight styles available on metal stems or as ornaments with twine loops. And a portion of all Art Heart sales go towards philanthropic art projects!