New Press in Swedish!

New Press in Swedish! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

If you can’t read Swedish like me, Google translate tells me that the article title says, “Abstract Flower Arrangements Will Spread Joy”. The local newspaper, the Mariestads Tidningen, sent reporters out to meet me a few times during the installation process. The photo on the right is in the workshop space I was loaned to assemble the sculptures and I was captured mid sentence explaining the piece to the reporter. The photo on the right is onsite in Humle Plats (Hops Garden) immediately after the installation was finished. I’m pretty excited to of been given the opportunity to install these Umbel Sculptures permanently and I really hope that they do bring joy to the community of Mariestad.  

The Umbels Are Up!

It’s hard to believe in just a few short months; an application, turned into an acception, a sketch turned into a sculpture and now, I have a permanent public art installation in Mariestad Sweden. I’m so grateful for everyone who had a hand in making this happen. And I really look forward to seeing how this installation will change over the seasons. I’ve been trying to imagine the snow cover first, and then the green leaves coming back to the trees in the background of the sculptures and eventually to 12′ tall hops plants that will be planted and flank the Umbel flowers on either side- lots to look forward too! More pics coming to the installation page soon!

The Umbels Are Up! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Art Filled Weekend Events!

Just a reminder…

Saturday 2 – 6

My Art Hearts will be at the Sip & Shop Maker Event alongside a number of talented creators! Be sure to get some of your holiday shopping done here!Sip & Shop Show! | events | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Sunday 11 – 5

I’ll be fresh off the plane from Sweden for the LoOk Collective show. Great gifts, small sculptures and fine art looking for happy homes! Take a drive up the coast and LoOk!
LoOK Art Collective Winter Show! | events | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Greetings from Sweden!

After a very long journey, I arrived in the lovely town of Mariestad of the shorefront of Lake Vänern. The hours of sunlight are very limited here this time of year and the drizzly weather makes for fabulously moody skies. I spent the first few days getting over the worst of the jet lag by getting a lay of the land, walking through the nature reserves and watching the locals prepare for the upcoming holiday season. The location for my artwork will be in the Universitetsparken where the University of Gothenburg holds their horticulture program. It seems like the perfect place for my Umbels to reside.

Greetings from Sweden | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

My time in Sweden has not just been spent staring off at scenic vistas, in my few days here so far I’ve unpacked my crate (everything survived- yay!), I have most of the flowers attached to the metal structures, the location of the Umbels has been selected, so the holes for the bases were dug and lighting placement was also chosen. The next few days involve sanding down the connection point of epoxy between the ceramic and the metal so that it’s a smooth transition between the structure and the flowers and  then painting the transition to match. There’s also a few interviews with the local news who are interested in my crazy sputnik looking flowers and then it’s looking like Friday morning will be the official final placement. I really can’t say enough about the kommun (municipality) of Mariestad that has answered every question, solved every hiccup in the process at every turn and been so compliant to the artists choice in how steps are taken. I think I’ve been very spoiled here with this amazing public art committee. Final installation pics are coming soon!

Greetings from Sweden | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Sweden, here I come!

Making Progress... | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureI was so happy to hear that my crate of artwork arrived safely in Mariestad Sweden!

One hurdle accomplished. Yay!

I leave for Sweden today and will be spending the following 10 days assembling and installing two large Umbel Flowers for the Off Season Art Gardening: Humle Park project. I’m so looking forward to meeting the team I’ve been planning with in person and exploring Sweden for the first time.

Hoping that it all comes together as planned and that the artwork looks great installed! Fingers crossed!

more to come soon….

My Art, Your Space: Lichen Series

My Art, Your Space: Lichen Series | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I’m so happy to share that two Lichen Series pieces have found the perfect forever home!

There was a lot of time and contemplation that went into this installation but it was so worth it, they really look perfect in this entry hallway. More pics will be up on the website soon!

About the Lichen Series:
The Lichen Series are vertical stalk shaped structures which have a variety of ceramic lichen inspired pieces emerging from and fused to them. This series play with ideas of death and regrowth, the power of negative space and the contrast of dark and light. These pieces are hand-built and hand-carved from high fired stoneware and each piece is original and unique. There are 7 more available for purchase.

photo credit: Michael Cinque Photography

And she’s off!

And She's Off! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureYesterday afternoon, my art went out on an adventure! A crate of sculptural parts is on its way to Sweden and I’ll be meeting it on the other side in a few weeks. Fingers crossed that it makes it there ok!

I know I’ve spoken about this before but the pressure of creating installational artwork is always a thrill. I really never know if it will all work out until it has. This installation in Sweden is no exception. I’m shipping all the parts which I hope will arrive ok, then I’m counting on my team in Sweden to help me assemble and install this piece in a place I’ve never been before. I’m also trusting all of my testing and consultations with experts that the clay will be able to survive the winters there. All the moving parts of this project make for a slew of opportunities where everything can go wrong, but that’s all part of the fun!

More to come on this project in a few weeks!