New images from the lichen series are up!


These pieces from the Lichen Series haven’t been shown very much, so if you haven’t seen these pieces in my studio, I finally got some good photos of these three trees and they are up on the website now!

The Lichen Series is about new growth from the old, in these pieces the ceramic lichen forms are growing on California black walnut planks that came from a storm fallen tree. The glazed ceramic pieces are inspired by the structures of shelf fungus and have been placed in compositions that follow and enhance the natural grain of the wood. Read more here…

If you’re interested in purchasing them, please contact JCO’s Art Haus in Los Gatos.


Making Progress…

I’m so thrilled to be making and installing a permanent sculpture in Mariestad Sweden next month, but it is no easy feat of logistics. I never installed a piece internationally in a place I haven’t been to before while working with people I’ve never met, so it’s exciting and nerve wracking at the same time!

Making Progress... | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

So far, I’ve tackled international shipping rates, logistics of travel, concerns over the clay being in frozen temperatures, crate building (which really the credit goes to my husband Nate for this one), working between the english and metric system, the physics of installing a top heavy sculpture without potential injury to the general public, and oh yeah, making the artwork. When you have to ask questions like, ‘Will the ground be too frozen to dig a hole for the base of the sculpture?’ or ‘Will the wood on my crate make it through customs without an agriculture concern?’ or answer ‘Yes. Yes, I am boiling my clay in a crock pot to test its absorption rate.’ you know you’ve entered a whole new realm of sculpture installation.

All that said, I’m feeling confident that the artwork will look great, that the team I’m working with will be fantastic, and that the logistics will all fall into place. I also think this is a great learning opportunity for me and it’s been fantastic to be able to reach out to my peers and clay colleagues with questions about their own experiences, it makes me realize that we’re all learning as we go and that the challenge is all a part of the fun! Stay tuned, more to come on this art adventure!

New Art Hearts are Restocked!

New Art Hearts are Restocked! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

After nearly going through my entire inventory of Art Hearts at Open Studios this year, I’m slowly restocking the online shop. So if you wanted to get some house warming gifts for the upcoming holidays or just for yourself… get um while they last!

Now back in the shop are Deep Red Winged Hearts and Purple DREAM Hearts in both ornaments and on metal stems.

$20 each


New Sculpture Headed for Sweden!

I’m excited to announce that I have been given the opportunity by the city of Mariestad Sweden to create a unique permanent sculpture for their Off Season Art Gardening program! I’m working on creating two large Umbel forms that will tower over head in a park setting, these will be built in a similar style to the ones I made for Sculpture IS: exhibit this year (see photo on right). The flower buds for the new sculptures will be a repetition of the shapes of the metal structure and will be glazed in a rich bright red reminiscent of the color used on many of the buildings in Mariestad. I hope that these pops of bright color will contrast against the greens and blues of the natural landscape. This piece will be installed early December, so stay tuned for more photos!

New Sculpture Headed for Sweden! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

It takes a village to raise an artist

Thank You! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureThese past few months have been a whirlwind of non-stop exhibits, travel and art making, so I wanted to take a moment to share how grateful I am for everyone that has been on this amazing art adventure with me!

To every single person who took the time to ‘like’ a photo, read a blog post I wrote, share my work with your friends, walk in the door to see my exhibits, donate to my art adventures, or buy a piece of art from me – thank you, thank you, thank you. You are the the pieces of the puzzle that make it possible for me to be an independent artist. Every action of support is recognized. I am humbled and grateful to make a living by the support of all of you.

And there’s more exciting art adventures to come…stay tuned!