Need a Gift?

Need a Gift? | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Ceramic Art Hearts are the perfect gift for the loves in your life! Tying up a bouquet of flowers with an art heart on a stem makes a great housewarming gift that they can keep forever. And a portion of all art heart sales are donated to philanthropic art projects locally and abroad.

To order your hearts today:


Own a retail store and want start a wholesale account?

Contact Jenni for details…

Last Piece of the Tide Pool Series Available!

Last of the Tide Pool Series Available | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture


This is the very last piece from my fastest selling series ever! The Tide Pool Series started as an In The Field installation that evolved into compositions of the ceramic forms mounted onto reclaimed wood wall pieces. The series explores the flow of water in tidal zones mimicking the  shapes of mussel shells often found in these tidepools.


The reclaimed wood is 28″ L X 8″ W X 4″D and comes with a hanger mounted on the back. It’s compact size makes it suitable for most wall spaces while also making an impact with the striking blue glazes.


If you were at the studio for Open Studios this weekend and missed out on buying one of these pieces, now’s your chance. This piece was hiding out at the preview exhibit and is now back at my studio. If you are local and you’d like to buy this piece, choose local pickup and you’ll skip the shipping charges. Click the link for details about this particular piece…

Video: Keeping it Clean

A few people were asking about how to clean my sculptures and were surprised to find out how I do it. A dry fluffy paintbrush is a great way to remove larger debris, cobwebs or dust first especially if your pieces are kept outside. Then give them a good spray down with the hose, don’t worry ceramics are tough, they can handle it. Then air dry on a thick towel and your art will be sparkling again. Easy peasy!


gratitude | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureI spend a lot of time sharing new work, events and ideas with you, but I want to take a moment to share my gratitude. This year Open Studios was unbelievable. From the masses of people the first weekend to braving the rain the second weekend, it was really an incredible year. Thank you, thank you, thank you to ALL of the patrons, students, friends, family and fellow artists who came to the studio to see my studio, who bought art and who brought me gifts and good wishes. I can’t do this event without you!

If you came to the studio on the first weekend, you probably met my parents who flew out from the east coast just to help me with the event. The shopped for me, set up art, cleaned, put up signs and worked both days of the event all day long. I overheard someone ask my mom is she had ever worried about me being an artist and the answer was ‘Never!’ Can’t get more supportive than that- thanks mom & dad!

You probably also met my amazing husband who despite being a just a week past a minor surgery and having to get up early to go to his real job the next day, was at the studio all day greeting you as you came in on sunny days and on the second weekend was running around fixing signs in the rain. His unbelievable support for my art and business is really what makes it all happen and I’m so grateful.

with much gratitude for all of you,



Last Chance for Open Studios 2016!

Last Chance for Open Studios 2016 | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureLast weekend of Open Studios was so fantastic! Thank you to everyone who came out to support the arts! I loved seeing old and new faces visiting me and exploring the new studio space. And pretty much everyone agreed that the parking is a lot better at the new space- if you’ve been to my old studio, you know what I mean.

Lots of art found new homes, but there is still more left waiting to find its space in your home. If you came last weekend and went home to measure and contemplate your space, come on back and join us on this rainy weekend. Looking forward to seeing you at the studio!

2523 C Mission St Santa Cruz
Oct 15 & 16, 11 -5

I want to try that again

After a whopping 750+ people walked through my studio this weekend for the Open Studios Art Tour the most common phrase I heard when they were looking at my classroom area was, “I haven’t touched clay since I was in school. I want to try that again.”

I want to try that again | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I started rock climbing about 5 years ago with a Climbing 101 class at the local rock gym. I’d wanted to do it my whole life, so I thought I’d give it a try. I wanted to see if it would scare me or challenge me- it did both and I love it. Now, it’s a part of my weekly schedule. I’ve built friendships and community from it, and I even created an installation from my Rock Candy Series at the gym.

We are much more likely to sign up our kids or give the gift of a class to someone else than we are to sign ourselves up for something we enjoy. Why do we deny ourselves these things as adults?

So, if you haven’t touched clay since you were young and you want to try it again, now is the time. I promise it will challenge you, you will make friends and it’s so much fun to get your hands dirty! Here’s the info…

Color at the UCSC Arboretum

Color at the UCSC Arboretum | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Artist and curator Susana Arias has been working at the UCSC Arboretum to install her second show there titled ‘Color’. Work from 14 artists are exhibited within the South African Garden area and create eye catching moments around every corner. Be sure to check out this beautiful exhibit!

October 15 – January 10

First Friday Reception November 4th 4 – 6

UCSC Arboretum 


BUY ART | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureThere is a notion that buying art is only for the elite, those with large enough spaces to house art and that you must be educated in the field in order to make good purchases. All of that is wrong. One of the best lessons I learned wine tasting is that it doesn’t matter what the bottle costs or whose top ten list it’s on. What matters is that I like the way it tastes. Duh, right?

The same applies to art. If you like it, you like it. Maybe you can go deeper into figuring out why you like it, whether it’s an emotional connection to a piece or a connection to the material it’s made out of. Whatever the reason, if you connect with a piece you want to surround yourself with it, just like a wine you enjoy can round out a meal, a piece of art can round out your space.

Maybe you can’t afford the piece you connect with or you don’t have a wall big enough to hang it on, this happens to me all the time, but the good thing is that most artists make work in a variety of size and price ranges which can make taking home a piece of their work affordable to nearly everyone.

You are of course welcome to just come and look but for my Open Studios event this year, I have work priced from $15. and up, affordable for every budget. Thanks for supporting independent artists and buying art!

Hurricane Matthew and Haiti

As many of you know, I’ve made multiple trips to post-earthquake Haiti to work with artists, children and communities. In my time spent there, I’ve developed friendships and been honored to meet people who are doing an amazing job of being on the ground resources to help renew Haiti. The earthquake happened over six years ago and these people and organizations are still there making progress, everyday.

As I type, Hurricane Matthew is bearing down on the island and bound to leave disaster in its path. Many of these on the ground organizations have done what they can to help the people prepare for the storm, but the fact is that most of the residents don’t live in homes that can hold up to a storm like this and aid relief will be needed for thousands by the time this storm has passed.

If you are inclined to help, please consider donating to Haiti Communitere. I have worked with them and seen them in action, your dollars are very well spent here.

Hurricane Matthew and Haiti | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture


This classroom is at a school in one of the most impoverished areas of Port au Prince and run by one of the most inspiring people I’ve met Winter Luc. The other photo is at Haiti Communitere’s base in Port au Prince where my good buddy Caleb is explaining to me what he’s learning in school and how he’s going to be a doctor someday.