Spring Studio Sale Thank Yous!

A GIGANTIC Thank You to everyone who came out to support the arts at the

11th Annual Spring Studio Sale this past Saturday!

Spring Studio Sale Thank Yous! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I loved catching up with past students, seeing current students selling their work and meeting new students who will be taking classes this summer. The studio table is now officially tagged by many Earth Art Studio students but I’d love to add more, so come by and sign the table!

Spring Studio Sale Thank Yous! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

The studio sale was a great success and we are able to donate nearly $100 from our combined art sales to the Homeless Garden Project of Santa Cruz. Students shared work that they had made over the past months alongside my own works- it was a fabulous exhibit! Our student project looked good enough to eat and the ceramic donuts were the hit of the show!

Spring Studio Sale Thank Yous! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I also debuted work from my new Tide Pool Series which is now available in the online shop. A video and portfolio of the ‘In the Field’ images are also up on the website. Hope you enjoy the new work!

Tide Pool Series I | shop | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Last Reminder: Spring Studio Sale this Saturday!

EARTH ART STUDIO | Saturday April 30th 11 – 4
767 Cathedral Dr | one mile from the Aptos PO
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Did you miss visiting Jenni’s studio during Open Studios this past fall? No worries, new work by owner & artist Jenni Ward will on display. And we will raffle off a hardcover copy of Jenni’s first book ‘a relationship with earth’ and one small sculpture to two lucky winners!Last Reminder: Studio Sale Saturday! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Interested in Summer Classes for kids or Adult Clay Classes for yourself? Come by and check out the studio…

Talented students from Earth Art Studio will be displaying work for sale, with a special ‘yummy’ theme to this years group project. You can buy art from these budding artists!

We donate 10% of all art sales at this event to The Homeless Garden Project of Santa Cruz!

As a special event this year, we will celebrating by signing the studio table! If you’ve ever taken a class at this table, made a pinch pot or have been cr8iv here, you’ll be able to leave your mark and tag the table. Help us fill the sides with student names!

Upcoming Art Events!

Here’s a line up of upcoming art events:

Upcoming Art Events | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Spring Studio Sale 2016
Saturday April 30th | 11 -4
Earth Art Studio | 767 Cathedral Dr Aptos | one mile from the Aptos PO

Artist Talks and Demos for Sculpture IS: 2016
May 5th 2016 | Demos 12:30 – 2:00 | Talks 2:30 – 3:30
Cabrillo College | Library Room 1002

Sculpture IS: In the Gallery
May 4 – June 19 2016 | Artists Reception May 15th 2 – 4
Pajaro Valley Arts Council Gallery | 37 Sudden St Watsonville

Fifth Annual Clay & Glass Exhibition
May 26 – July 17 2016 | Opening: May 28th 5 – 7, Closing: July 17th 2 – 4
Healdsburg Center for the Arts | 130 Plaza St. Healdsburg

Sculpture IS: In the Garden
June 1 – October 31 2016 | Artists Reception June 9
Sierra Azul Gardens | 2660 E Lake Ave Watsonville

Student Work for Sale

Talented students from Earth Art Studio will be displaying work for sale at this year’s Spring Studio Sale! Here are just a few things starting to come out of the kiln this week. We also have a special ‘yummy’ theme to this years group project, which I’m keeping a secret for now but you’ll definitely want to come check it out! You can buy art at very affordable prices from these budding artists and 10% of all art sales will be donated to the Homeless Garden Project.
Click the link to see the creative projects we’ve done with them in the past!
Student Work for Sale | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Join Us
Saturday April 30th 11 – 4
earth art studio
767 Cathedral Dr Aptos
one mile from the Aptos PO

Sharing Art: Liz Crain

Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to drop in on artist Liz Crain and pick up a few of her ceramic pieces. We got to talking about clay, art marketing, upcoming exhibits and other artsy talk. It’s always great to touch base with other artists who are struggling with the same things you are and to celebrate in each others successes as well.

One can of Whup Ass and two shot up beer cans that appear to be made of rusting metal are actually hand built from clay. I got these pieces with the intention of gifting them but I have to say, I’m going to have a hard time letting these guys go.

sharing art: Liz Crain | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

More about Liz’s work…
Liz makes fool-the-eye ceramic pieces which seem like vintage, rusty, dented cans. Tea Cans, Canisters, Spice Tins and Beer Cans, all meant to be more than meets the eye. Visit her website and online shop to pick out your own pieces! www.lizcrainceramics.com

Installation in Progress for Sculpture IS:

Sculpture IS: turns 10 and there are lots of events planned to celebrate!

Yesterday, I installed 3 pieces from the Vine Series at Pajaro Valley Arts Council Gallery for the “In the Gallery” exhibit of Sculpture IS, co-curated by the amazing and talented Susana Arias and Hedwig Heerschop. Ironically, made in 2006, these vines are also celebrating their 10 year anniversary too! I love the way these guys seem to crawl across the walls of the gallery.

This show is going to be incredible with over 80 unique sculptures making their way into the gallery. The show opens May 4 with a reception for the artists and demos on May 15th at the gallery.  But you don’t have to wait that long, come to the Artist Demos & Talks at Cabrillo Gallery on May 5th  12:30 – 3:30 to learn more about some of the incredible sculptors participating in this exhibit.

Demos by Jaime Abbott, Ingrid Marianne, Payson McNett, Cynthia Siegel, Victoria May, Angela Gleason and Beverly Rayner with artist talks by Rose Sellery, Cynthia Siegel, Roy Holmberg and myself. I’ll be giving a talk about my work, my inspiration and using nature as my gallery space. I hope to see you there!

Installation in Progress for Sculpture IS: | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

“Inky chose liberty over security.”

This may be my most favorite line from any NPR article, “Inky chose liberty over security.”

The article chronicles the great escape of an octopus named Inky from its tank at the National Aquarium of New Zealand to the open ocean. I have always thought octopus were beautiful and engaging creatures. I’ve loved seeing them used as imagery from early Greek pottery to modern artwork produced today. There is something alluring and arcane about these creatures that seems to of spanned time and cultures. Learning how intelligent and sensitive they are only adds to their mystery.
Inky chose liberty over security | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture
The reason that I’m bringing this article to your attention beyond my own fascination with these creatures is because of the words ‘liberty over security’ used in the article. Those concepts are exactly the theme explored in my Nest Series and this particular piece came to mind. I imagined Inky squeezing his way one tentacle at a time from the safety and security of his tank towards the freedom the open ocean brings just as these fragile ceramic forms wiggle outside their shell and risk breakage. But there is a beauty that comes from the vulnerable moments in these chances we take to live beyond the walls and limits of our own world.

Hopefully Inky is out there enjoying his freedom and has taught us a lesson to not be afraid to leave the safety of the tank for a taste of adventure and liberty.

To learn more about the Nest Series…

To learn more about Inky and The National Aquarium of New Zealand…

Art at the Arboretum

I got the opportunity to visit the UCSC Arboretum last week. I’ll be selling a few small works and lots of Art Hearts in the gift shop soon. There are plans in the works for a sculpture exhibition on the grounds. I’ll be creating a large installation as a part of this exhibit, details to follow soon – very excited about this!
Art at the Arboretum | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

While I was there, I had one of my Nest Series pieces with me and couldn’t resist the opportunity to take this snapshot of it with the red flowering plant in the background. I hadn’t been to the Arboretum in years and it was such a lovely spot, I’m going to make a point to go there more often and to bring out of town guests there. Sometimes the best exploring is in our own backyards.