It was a very productive week here at the studio. We packed up and palletized all of our large tools and tables, got everything loaded up into a ginormous U-Haul and my husband Nate drove it all to our international shipper at the border. It was a very long day for him, but a relief to finally get our things on their way and get the studio mostly cleared out.

Of course it didn’t stay cleared out for very long, since I still have all of my flower parts for my Feast of Flowers installation that still needed finishing. All six flower heads were moved from the metal yard to the studio and I was able to attach all of the ceramic elements. These will all be stored here until the foundations are ready for installation.
Now, we’re packing up all the little things and getting ready to make our first trip south very soon. Scenes of the desert, cactus and sunsets over the ocean coming soon!