Lately, I feel like my blog posts are like groundhog day, still working on the same public art project again and again but every day, progress is being made! Plane tickets have been purchased, installation dates have been scheduled and crate building has started happening – exciting times in the studio!
I’m still working on the final wall section of the installation, mainly because I realized that I needed to make some more parts but those are firing through the kiln as I type and by the end of next week all sections should be finished. It’s definitely thrilling to have been offered a project like this, but I will be equally thrilled when it’s complete!

As many of you know, I was accepted to be an artist in residence at the Yinnge Ceramic Museum in Taiwan starting in October, so I’m simultaneously planning for leaving my studio for 3 months right after this public art project is completed. Sometimes I feel like I’ve got to many balls in the air but I’m trying to find balance by still spending time in nature as much as in the studio, taking the time to breathe and reminding myself that ‘I’ve got this’. Thanks for being along on this journey with me!