My Art, Your Space: Gilson Family

I love seeing where my art ends up and hearing why you connect with a piece. If you have some of my work that you’d like to share, please email me! Thanks for sharing!  This share is from the Gilson Family, whom I have known my whole life. My parents welcomed them into their new home with a piece from my Nest Series. I love how my abstract, rustic style work still blends so well on the mantle with their ceramic figurines. Here’s what they have to say about this piece…
My Art, Your Space: Gilson Family | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

We are enjoying your sculpture that we received as a house warming present from our very dear friends, your parents.  We read on your website that this creation is part of your nest series depicting the balance between protecting and trapping.
We’ve always felt that art can be interpreted so many ways and at times different than how the artist sees it.  We’re taking some liberty with our interpretation of this art sculpture to share with you: “when we look at your sculpture we see a new life form beginning in the nest sprouting a vibrant aqua stem which we visualize as the beginning of life and growth which correlates to our new journey involving moving into a new nest sprouting growth and vibrant new beginnings”.   Life is a wonderful journey…  Thank you for creating such unique art!!!
Patty and Ed Gilson
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