Open Studios 2016

SAVE THE DATE! So excited to launch the new studio space with my 12th year participating in the Santa Cruz County Open Studios Art Tour. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | events | Open Studios 2016


Artist #228

October 8,9, 15 & 16 | 11 – 5

Join us at our NEW LOCATION:
2523 C Mission St Santa Cruz

For more information about the art tour visit:
Arts Council of Santa Cruz County

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4 thoughts on “Open Studios 2016

  1. Will you be doing anymore of the Tide Pool series? I just have to have one!

    1. Thanks Lyn! There are 3 pieces from that series still available in the online shop if you’d like to check those out, here’s the link:


      1. Ok,so no more to be made? If not, then I have to have the first one in the link! I’ll wait to hear if you are going to be doing anymore, and if not I will order it and pickup at Open Studios!

        Can’t wait to visit the new Studio!

        1. Hi Lyn,
          Sorry, no plans to make more of these. I would be happy to hold it for you to pick up at Open Studios if you want to order online. Thx!

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