Jenni Ward believes in the power of giving…
She funds small philanthropic projects through the sale of her ceramic art hearts. Jenni partners with organizations and schools both locally and globally to offer creative opportunities for students, artists and communities in need. A portion of art heart sales go towards funding these philanthropic projects. Order your art hearts today, SHOP NOW!
Why give art?
Art can evoke change in a person and a community, sometimes in small but always significant ways. Not only does art beautify a space and provide a creative outlet but when used as a tool for education, it builds self-confidence, leads to creative problem solving and encourages collaboration.
Learn more…
Click the links below to see what projects we’ve done:
Atis Rezistans, Port au Prince, Haiti – Los Angeles, CA
Bassin Bleu Community, Bassin Bleu, Haiti
Ecole Rajepre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Santa Rita Elementary School, Salinas CA
Homeless Garden Project, Santa Cruz CA
Other ways to help…
Got a retail location and want to sell bouquets of art hearts?
Are you an art teacher? Make art hearts with your students, host an art show at school then donate your proceeds!
For more information: contact Jenni Ward
Thanks for your support!