
Gratitude | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureA super, gigantic THANK YOU to everyone who kicked off my Iceland Residency Fund and became a patron of the arts!!

I’m already $725 into my $2500 goal because of you! It was so amazing to wake up in the morning, to see all of your contribution emails in my inbox- I truly felt the love and I can’t wait to send out my surprise thank yous to everyone upon my return!

Still want to contribute?? You can become a patron by donating here!

ps: you can also buy art in the online shop to support this art adventure too!

new residential installation!


If you’ve thought about how my work might look in a residential space but you weren’t quite sure, check out these new images of a framed Bone Series and a large Nest Series piece in their new forever home. Their new owner was so thrilled with how they fit seamlessly into her cozy, modern space that she was tearing up at their installation. I love the little surprises like the reflection of the Nest piece on the glass dining room table!

More Images…

And the show must come down…

Instead of adventures into the wilderness this weekend, we are headed north to Oregon to take down my exhibit ‘where art & nature meet’ at the Grants Pass Museum of Art. After a year of planning, months of building and weeks of showing; it has finally come time for the days of de-installing.

where art & nature meet exhibit | installations | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

I loved having the opportunity to use this beautiful gallery space to showcase my installations and the ‘in the field’ photographs of them. The response from the viewers who got to see it in person was so positive, I’m over flowing with gratitude from your comments and compliments. For those of you that weren’t able to see it in person, please check out the video here and let me know what you think!

Thank you to everyone at the museum for inviting me into your space with open arms!

New work installed at Sierra Azul!

It’s that time of year again for the annual Sculpture IS: exhibit at Sierra Azul Gardens in Watsonville, it’s truly one of my favorite annual venues for showcasing sculpture. This year I went big, I collaborated with my husband Nate for the first time and I revisited/reinvented older work (read more about the process here), hope you like the results!

New work Installed at Sierra Azul | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

No watering required for these drought resistant, gigantic Umbel Series flowers! They tower over 10′ tall and I think the turquoise palette of the ceramic pieces will look fabulous in any garden space. Come see them in person at Sierra Azul Gardens June 1st – October 31st along with over 80 sculptures by over 40 artists. Artist reception is June 14th from 5 -7


In the Shop!

Below are just a few links to sculptures that you may have had your eye on for awhile but you just didn’t snag yet, well it’s not too late to add them to your collection! Check out what’s available in the online shop!

Don’t have room for more art in your home but still want to support your local artists? Choose your price and donate to my Icelandic residency coming up this September. I have a goal of raising $2500. to help offset the costs of making this residency a reality. Special surprise gifts will be sent out to all who DONATE!

Umbel Series | shop | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Umbel Flowers for your Garden

Rock Candy on Driftwood (ONLY 4 left!)

Wall mounted Specimen Series (ONLY 4 left!)

and lots more…

It takes a village to raise an artist…

If you missed the big news in my last monthly email blast, I’ve been accepted to participate in a one month artist-in-residence program in remote eastern Iceland at the Fish Factory –  I couldn’t be more thrilled about it! Iceland is a nature lovers paradise – the northern lights, fjords, icebergs, waterfalls – I think I will be over the top inspired by the forces of nature there! Besides being inspired to make new work and having unlimited time to experiment with materials, I’m excited to connect with artists working in a variety of disciplines from all over the world. But…

donate | shop | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

In order to make this dream happen, I’m asking for help to offset the costs of getting and staying there. Purchasing artwork or contributing through my donate button in the online shop or both would help me get one step closer to Iceland this September! It takes a village to raise and artist and I’m so grateful for all of the support so I’ll be sending out special surprise thank you gifts to everyone who donates.


back in business…

After a week in Oregon installing and opening my exhibit at the Grants Pass Museum of Art immediately followed by a month trekking through Bhutan, Sikkim & Nepal… I’m finally back in the studio, albeit jet lagged but I’m back! And there are a few things on the radar for the coming months I wanted to remind you about…

I’ve had three pieces accepted into the annual Sculpture IS: 2018 exhibit at Sierra Azul Gardens in Watsonville. I’m excited about these pieces because they are larger than any work I’ve done in the past and the first time that I collaborated with my husband Nate on a piece. He’s welded together three umbel structure forms from steel rod that are about 3′ in diameter and I will be attaching clay forms onto the ends of to make gigantic umbel flowers. The flower heads will be placed on steel pipe stems and planted in the garden towering around 8′ high. Be sure to check them out when the show opens June 1st!

back in business | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

The exhibit ‘where art & nature meet’ at the Grants Pass Museum of Art will be up until May 25th, if you’re in the area, please check the show. If you can’t see it in person, I’ll be posting images from the exhibit on my website shortly (the image above is a detail of my Lichen Series Installation). All of the unsold work will deinstalled over Memorial Day weekend and be returned to the studio at the close of the exhibit. So if you’re interested in purchasing any of the work that was a part of the show, let me know.

Lastly, I will be at Buffalo Creek Art Center near Gardnerville, Nevada for a month long artist residency for all of June. I will keep you posted on the work I make while there but my primary focus will be on using the time to create work and experiment with new ideas in an uninterrupted space. I’m so looking forward to this opportunity!

So, yeah, it’s official, I’m back in business!

Where Art & nature Meet | Grants Pass Museum of Art

I’m excited to officially announce my solo exhibition ‘where art & nature meet’ at the Grants Pass Museum of Art in Grants Pass Oregon. I will be showcasing 6 large installations of ceramic sculpture alongside photos of my outdoor installations. If you’re in the area, I hope that you can join me in person for the April First Friday opening!

Where Art & Nature Meet | Grants Pass Museum of Art | events | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture
April 6 – May 25 2018
Artists Reception:
First Friday April 6th & May 4th 5-9pm

Grants Pass Museum of Art 
229 SW G Street | Grants Pass OR 97526