Thank You Gift!

jenni ward ceramic sculpture | a relationship with earthThank you to everyone who came out to Open Studios this year, it was so fun catching up, saying hi and meeting new faces!

For all of you new to getting my email blasts, I want to welcome you and thank you for coming to the studio during my 14th (or15th?!?) Open Studios Art Tour. If you signed up on my mailing list, you’ll be getting a once a week email with all of my blog posts for the week AND you’ll get a once a month email with a wrap up of everything going on in the studio; events, classes, new work etc. If you want to adjust your settings and only get the once a month email from me, you can click the link here to do that or click the link at the bottom of any email from me and adjust your email preferences.

As a thank you gift for joining this creative community, please click the link below to download your free PDF book of my work ‘a relationship with earth’. Enjoy!


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Selling AND Buying Art at Open Studios

I was so fortunate to have many pieces of art find new happy homes during Open Studios Art Tour this year. Thank you so much to all of you who put your money where you mouth is and supported your local artists!

Selling AND Buying Art at Open Studios | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureWhen you are a participating artist in the tour it’s really hard to make your way around to see other artists studios but this year, my husband and I were able to sneak in a few studio visits one afternoon. While we don’t have the biggest budget to buy art, let alone the space to put it in, we also believe in supporting local artists. So many people think that art is out of their price range so I wanted to share the gems that we bought, all for under $200. Seriously. Under $200.

The koi fish and coral original painting was done by muralist Elijah Pfotenhauer, the rabbit print was done by muralist Taylor Reinhold and the small bowl was done by ceramic artist Liz Crain. I love the color and energy that each of these pieces add to my collection of local and global artists.

What did you collect this year at Open Studios?

Two-For Art Weekend!

Two-For Art Weekend! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureSometimes it would be really convenient to clone myself and be at multiple art events all at the same time but unfortunately I can only be in one place this weekend. So here’s the line up of art events you can hit… and if you want to see me in person, I’ll be at the studio!

Open Studios Encore Weekend

Bioneers Conference

To learn more about Art at the Bioneers….

Sculpture IS: 2017 is coming to a close!

Sculpture IS: 2017 is coming to a close! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture


If you’ve been planning on getting out to Sierra Azul Gardens to walk among the sculptures included in the 11th annual Sculpture IS: exhibit but you just haven’t made it out there yet, your time is running short! This exhibit closes Oct 31st!

I have two exhibits from my Umbel Series included in this show along with over 90 other amazing sculptures from California artists in all mediums. Check it out!!

Sierra Azul Nursery and Gardens
2660 East Lake Avenue | Watsonville California

Packing Up for the Bioneers

This Thursday I’ll be heading up to the north bay to install my Hive Series at the Bioneers Conference. This piece might be my most traveled piece of art, it has been installed in Grand Rapids Michigan, Portland Oregon and in multiple shows all over California as well as in the redwood forests and now it is headed to the north San Francisco Bay area. I’m honored to be showing my work alongside a number amazingly talented artists, check it out if you can!Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | in the field | hive series

See this piece in person at the conference October 20 – 22 at the Marin Center in San Rafael CA, tickets available here…

About the Hive Series:
The Hive series is inspired by the natural balance between strength and fragility, curiosity and avoidance, security and vulnerability. These concepts are explored using a geometric configuration of multiple ceramic forms. The combination of these elements create an abstract interpretation of a hive structure both physically and conceptually that creates a dynamic visual for the viewer. This installation is comprised of almost 200 individual diamond shaped forms of clay with holes cut and carved into one half of them.

It’s National Clay Week!

It's National Clay Week! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureIt’s National Clay Week!


National Clay Week Open Studio (NCWOS) is a nationwide event that celebrates clay, community and creativity. Join us on the weekend of October 13 – 15, 2017 for a celebration of clay in all 50 states! Studios all over the country will open their doors for demonstrations, lectures, exhibitions.


Check the map for ceramic studios open in your neighborhood!



Affordable Art Fair at JCO’s Art Haus

Affordable Art Fair at JCO's Art Haus | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture


Works from my Lichen Series will be at JCO’s Art Haus for THE VERY VERY RARE AFFORDABLE ART FAIR!

About the Fair:
A curated collection of international, national & local artists at studio prices under one warehouse roof.

For one weekend only:
Thursday, October 12 (5 – 8)
Friday, October 13 (10 – 5)
Saturday, October 14 (10 – 7)
Sunday, October 15 (12 – 5)

Hope to see you at the artist meet & greet Thursday October 12th from 5 – 8! RSVP for the event here…

Preview Exhibit at Santa Cruz Art League

Open Studio Preview Exhibit at the Santa Cruz Art League

Saturday, September 30 – Sunday, October 22, 2017
Reception: October 1, Sunday 3:00pm – 6:00pm

In partnership with the Santa Cruz County Arts Council, the Open Studios Preview Exhibition will offer a sneak peak of the great art of over 300 Santa Cruz County artists participating in the Open Studios Art Tours in the first three weekends in October.

Preview Exhibit at Santa Cruz Art League | events | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Santa Cruz Art League
526 Broadway | Santa Cruz, CA