Here’s the monthly wrap up of everything going on at the studio…
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Here’s the monthly wrap up of everything going on at the studio…
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I will have a brand new piece from my Bone Series included in this biannual exhibition of sculpture at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art- hope you can come see the show!
September 1st – October 29th
Reception and Awards September 1, 6–9 pm
October 6, 6–9 pm, public reception in conjunction with Art After Talk, a citywide gallery walk
California Sculpture SLAM: Juried Exhibition
San Luis Obispo Museum of Art
1010 Broad Street | San Luis Obispo CA
Hit the online shop anytime on July 29th 2017 and use the coupon code to receive your cart discount of $40 off. Purchases must be made online for $100 or more. US only.
The Umbel flowers are only $65 each and you can come pick-ur-self at the close of the exhibit in November. Once they are sold out, no more will be made, so be sure to order yours before they’re gone. If you’re out of the area, I’d be happy to ship your flowers to you. Visit the Environmental Installations exhibit at the UCSC Arboretum to see this piece in person, the exhibit is up until November 17th. RESERVE YOUR FLOWERS TODAY
About the Umbel Series:
The saffron colored trail of abstract ceramic flowers is inspired by the folklore of bright yellow mustard flowers leading the way from mission to mission along the Camino Real. The installation is named the Umbel Series due to the umbrella shaped flower structures that inspired the forms.
Sometimes I feel like I’m a juggler trying to work on a million things at once and keeping them all up in the air and moving forward at the same time. Right now I have 3 sculpture projects in process on top of maintaining my Art Heart supply, summer classes are happening and the constant buzz of promoting existing and upcoming events is making the studio feel a little busy right now. So just to keep y’all in the loop of things, my plan is to launch these new pieces for Open Studios in October but here’s a little catch up on what I’ve got going on…
Bone Series:
I’ve had steel frames fabricated to build webs of my Bone Series in them, so they will be similar to the installations I have up in the studio but easier for you to take home and hang up. I’m currently painting the frames with a satin matte black paint and then will begin assembling the bone pieces to the frames. There are five 2′ x 4′ frames and three 2.5′ x 2.5′ frames, this photo was the prototype. I think they are going to look pretty dynamic once they are all up on the walls, so stay tuned to see the final results…
Lichen Series:
I’ve had three beautiful live edge walnut slabs in my studio for about 6 months now and I knew that I was going to attach ceramic pieces from the Lichen Series to them and I thought that I was going to attach the wood to the wall. But I had an epiphany one day in the studio and decided that they should be free standing like the trees they are (or were), so I’m getting some steel bases fabricated to bolt them to so that they can stand. Then I’ll start attaching the ceramic pieces and finish them up by oiling the wood to make the grain glow. The other bonus of having them freestanding is that I can now use both sides of the wood to attach to. Excited to see these come to life but in the meantime, I’m making, firing and glazing all the small lichen parts that will get attached. The pile of them is growing slowly…
Umbel Series:
I’m sure that you’ve seen images of all of my yellow mustard flower inspired Umbels at the UCSC Arboretum but that installation has spurred another umbel sculpture. This one is the most tedious thing I’ve created in awhile and I’m not even sure if it will survive the kiln firing. I’m slowly working away at making a seeding dandelion with clay and high temperature wire. I’m thinking that if it survives it will be glazed monochromatic in either black or white, not exactly sure yet.
And by the way, if you haven’t seen my Umbel Series installation at the Arboretum, it’s up until Nov 17th and the flowers are available for pre-sale in the shop. Get yours before they’re all gone.
And if you can’t wait until all these amazing things actually happen, there’s a ton of work available in the online shop or you’re always welcome to visit me at the studio so you can see the work in person. Ok, I think you’re all caught up- now back to work for me!
A selection of Art Heart Stems and Ornaments are now available at The Garden Company on Mission St in Santa Cruz! They have a beautiful selection of unique gift items in addition to a huge variety of plants. Be sure to swing in, pick out a plant and an Art Heart Stem to stick in it next time you’re on the west side!
The Garden Company | 2218 Mission St Santa Cruz CA
Want to see Art Hearts in your shop? Contact Jenni to create a wholesale order…
I will be showcasing some of my smaller sculptures and Art Hearts this year at the annual Cabrillo Music Festival’s Church Street Fair. Look for the artists under the blue umbrellas and enjoy the music!
Cabrillo Music Festival | Church Street Fair
Downtown Santa Cruz
August 5 & 6th | 11am – 8pm
Here’s the monthly wrap up of everything going on at the studio…
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Just a reminder that the studio will be closed for the week of July 3 – 7
Happy 4th of July!
btw, you can still keep in touch with what I’m up to by following my Instagram account, and spoiler alert, it’s going to involve a lot of art and a few croissants!