More Clay, Less Plastic

More Clay, Less Plastic | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureWhile I am not a potter, I truly appreciate a well made mug or slurping soup out of a perfectly formed bowl and with all of the disposable plastic products out in the world now, ceramics is of even greater importance for use in our daily lives. The More Clay, Less Plastic movement is something that I can really get behind. After all, clay is the original container for all the needs of kitchen life, why can’t it be that again?

Check out this article about the Italian artist Lauren Moreira who started this movement and next time you need a new container, consider clay!

More Clay, Less Plastic by Shelly Davis

Featured Work: Bone Series

Did you know these pieces qualify for FREE SHIPPING?

The Bone Series has manifested itself in many variations, from small wearables to large installations. Pieces from this series have been exhibited In the Field and in gallery settings. But regardless of the environment they are displayed in, The Bone Series explores the remains of a form or a forms underlying structures. In turn, the exploration of decaying forms also discusses renewal or new growth.

Featured Work: Bone Series | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

These three pieces from this series are unique in that they have wire forms growing around the ceramic ‘bones’. They are reminiscent of aquatic creatures finding protection in a rock or coral allowing for new life to thrive in these structures.

250. each | free shipping available until February 28th


Feeling the Love!

Feeling the Love | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Thank you to everyone who came out to our Pop Up Art Show at Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery yesterday! Drinking beer and buying art was a great way to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon with you all!

If you couldn’t make it out to pick up some art hearts for your sweeties, you can always order from our online shop or swing by the studio and pick some up.

Happy Valentines!



Nest with Blue Pods

Did you know that this piece qualifies for FREE SHIPPING?

After making dozens of ceramic nests, there are only two large nests left available in this limited series. This once greets me as I walk into my studio and casts the most beautiful shadows when the morning sun comes through my studio door.

Nest with Blue Pods | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

This nest has three blue slate colored pods that are fused to the bottom of the outer shell, the pods are visible but also shielded by the outer webbing.

All of the pieces in this series are hand-built, hand-carved and created with a unique process that fuses the inner pieces to the outer. They are made from high fired stoneware and each piece is original and unique.

$425. Free Shipping available until February 28th


It’s Free Shipping February!

Do you love free shipping? Enter the code LOVEFREESHIPPING at checkout and the shipping costs are on me!
If you haven’t been able to make it to the studio or a gallery opening to start collecting my work, now’s your chance! Work from the Rock Candy, Hive, Specimen, Nest  and Bone Series all qualify for free shipping for the month of February.
Are you feeling the love?

It's Free Shipping February! | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Free Shipping coupon is valid 2/1/17 – 2/28/17 in the US only and excludes gift items, books and classes.

Pop Up Art Show!

Pop Up Art Show: Sunday February 12th,  4 – 8 | Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery

Pop Up Art Show | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture



Join us at the brewery for an afternoon with local artists sharing their creations. Affordable and unique gifts just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Oh yeah, did I mention you can drink beer while you shop?

See you in the Beer Garden!

Santa Cruz Mountain Brewery
402 Ingalls St | Santa Cruz

Art Hearts for Your Loves!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!

Art Hearts for Your Loves | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Give the gift of art to the loved ones in your life! Available on metal stems or ornaments in a variety of styles and a portion of all Art Heart sales benefit philanthropic art projects.
What’s not to love? SHOP NOW

Technical Difficulties

Technical Difficulties | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculptureBeing an artist, you need to wear many, many hats. Sometimes you need to wear them all at the same time, from maker to marketer, it can get tricky. This week, I spent 6+ days wearing my tech hat trying to get my website security certificate back on line. A few years ago I didn’t even know what an SSL certificate was but now I’m trying to fix one. This basically means that every time you purchase art off my site, your purchase is secure. For the past 6 days though if you visited my site, you got a scary blazing warning to go back if you want to avoid being hacked. This is not a good thing.

So sparing you the techy details, as of right now, all is safe again at, so feel free to buy art to your hearts content and know that your purchases are secure. Thanks for your patience if you visited my site over the past week.

Now, I will take my tech hat off and get back into maker mode. Yay!