How to support an artist when you can’t afford to buy art

The biggest compliment you can give to an artist is to buy their work directly from them. That way they receive 100% of the sale, as most galleries take 50% of every sale to cover their costs. Artists have work in a variety of price ranges, so chances are you can probably afford something from them.

Think about going to the theater or a concert, you buy a ticket, maybe not front row, but there is always an affordable ticket in your price range. Visual artists let you look for free but that doesn’t mean it didn’t cost them anything to make the work, set up the exhibit and market the event, and you usually get a free glass of wine out of it too! So buying a small item from them helps them recoup their costs and says “Thank you!” for the exhibit (and the free glass of wine).

But of course it is unreasonable to think that every single person walking through an exhibit can or will buy artwork. So, if you are not in a position to buy, how else can you support your favorite artists?
How to support an artist when you can't afford to buy art | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpturephoto credit: Nina Hipkins

You may not be able to afford to buy their art, but you probably know 10 people that can. Word of mouth is one of the strongest forms of advertising and rather than recommend that your friend buy that new pair of shoes, how about suggesting your favorite artist to them?

You can also ask the artists for a small stack of postcards or business cards to pass out to your friends. It’s so easy to share artists work on social media, or to forward their email newsletter onto a colleague. And if you really want to go all out, channel your inner Avon-lady and host an exhibit at your home, invite your friends to come and talk with the artist about their work.

Share opportunities with them. Do you know someone opening a restaurant, a new office, or a gallery? Introduce your favorite artists so that they have the opportunity to show their work. Share the art you love with your world and you will be supporting the artists.

Thanks for supporting independent artists!


Have you ordered your new book?

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | shop | books, prints and gifts



Just a reminder that my brand new book ‘where art & nature meet’ is available online! You can preview the book and order by clicking the link below. This book catalogs my In The Field installations as well as Gallery, Commercial and Home installations from 2012 – 2015.

This makes a great gift for the art and nature lover in your life! Swing by the studio and I’d be happy to sign a copy for you too!



Last Reminder: Free Shipping February Ends Soon!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Last reminder: Free shipping February Ends Soon!This is it! The final week of Free Shipping February! This offer ends on Monday February 29th, so get your orders in before next Monday to take advantage. Nearly all the work in the shop qualifies for this offer if you are shipping within the US. Enter code LOVEFREESHIPPING at checkout and the shipping fees are on me!


Another Teaser from the Tide Pool Series

Another sneak peek at the Tide Pool Series | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Here’s another image from the brandy new Tide Pool Series that will be released in the online shop very soon! These pieces have been mounted on reclaimed wood and can be wall mounted to bring a bit of the tide pools home with you. Portfolio and video of the In The Field installation will be released soon too! Stay tuned…


Tide Pool Series 
This series is inspired by my time spent observing the tiny watery worlds on the rocky shoreline that exist temporarily as the rise and fall of the ocean reveals them and hides them again. The creatures and amount of life that thrive in these crevices is fascinating and forever a source of inspiration for me.

Free Shipping Reminder!

Just a reminder that it’s Free Shipping February so be sure to take advantage of it and explore our online shop! Enter LOVEFREESHIPPING at checkout and the shipping fees are on me. Here’s a selection of pieces available to bring intrigue to your creative place…

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | new work available
Rock Candy Series
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | relics of the tide opening
Bone Series
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | life imitates art
Nest Series

“My mission is to create abstract interpretations of nature through thoughtfully crafted ceramic sculptures that reconnect you with the natural world.” -jw

Another Sneak Peek!

I took advantage of the extremely low tides this past weekend and got out for another In the Field installation.  The area of the beach where I placed these pieces is normally completely inaccessible to explore and is only cliff and ocean. I’d been planning this one for so long and finally there was a time that the tide was low enough and everyone could make it out to document the installation. Here’s a sneak peek video of the install, but there will be more to come soon AND these pieces will be reconfigured for installing in your home and will be available in the shop very, very soon!

Photo & Video credit: Sequoia Kimmel

Featured Work: Bone Series

I walk on the beach or in the forest nearly everyday, it’s my time wander, be inspired and explore. I usually end up collecting something along these walks; a stone, a piece of wood, today it was a vertebrae from a seal that had washed up in a storm.

Over the years, as my bone collections have grown, I’ve really studied the shapes, the curves and the textures. It’s made me realize that what I’m attracted to about these parts is that I love to see the insides of things and understand how things work, how they are put together and how complex yet how simple the puzzle of our bone structures are.
Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Featured Work Bone Series
My Bone Series has been inspired by these explorations of structure and form. I’ve recreated these structures in clay by emphasizing the fibrous texture through all the holes cut into my pieces, focusing on how our internal structures shape our outer form and contrasting the balance of strength and fragility.

When I create series of work I play with the variety of ways that they can be displayed, so the Bone Series has been suspended in a museum, taken 70′ under the ocean, pushed into the sand on the beach, connected on a frame to create a wall of bones and displayed in galleries under bell jars. As much as I’ve done with these pieces, I feel like I’m just getting started and that this series will be coming out of the studio for a long time.

View more pieces from the Bone Series here

Free Shipping February Starts Next Week!

Starting Monday February 1st, it’s free shipping February! Do you feel the love?

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | free shipping February starts next week

Free shipping offer is good within the US and does not include gift items, books or classes.