Curiosities of Clay Opens TONIGHT!

jenni ward ceramic sculpture | specimen seriesFor my last show of 2015, I’ll be showcasing work from the Specimen Series at Stripe Design Group in downtown Santa Cruz. These small wall mounted sculptures of intriguing organic compositions will be on display for the month of November. This is a great time to shop local while discovering a unique gift for the creative person in your life!

Meet me at Stripe for First Friday November 6th from 5 – 9 pm!

Curiosities of Clay | Jenni Ward
Stripe Men | 117 Walnut Avenue Santa Cruz CA
November 5 – 30, 2015
Artist Reception Friday November 6th, 5 – 9pm

Installing Curiosities of Clay Today!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | installing curiosities of clay today

I got to hang out in one of the coolest retail shops in Santa Cruz today while I hung my last exhibit of the year, Curiosities of Clay! One piece has already sold, so I hope to see you at the opening on Friday to find a great piece for yourself!

Meet me at Stripe for First Friday November 6th from 5 – 9 pm!

Curiosities of Clay | Jenni Ward
Stripe Men
November 5 – 30, 2015
Artist Reception Friday November 6th, 5 – 9pm

Limited Pieces from the Nest Series

Don’t these Nest Series pieces look perfect on this rough wood table? There are only a few more from this limited series available in the Shop, be sure to get one before they’re all gone! Prices range $45 and up and they make for a very unique gift for the creative person in your life. To learn more about the Nest Series, click here.

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | installations | residential

Sculpture IS: 2015 Closes soon!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | installations | bone series outdoor installationIf you haven’t made it to Sierra Azul Gardens for the Sculpture IS: 2015 exhibit, your days are numbered! The exhibit closes October 31st so get down there and check out some incredible outdoor sculpture work before its all taken down for winter. Oh and teaser alert! Next year is the 10th anniversary of Sculpture IS: and there are some fantastic plans being made to celebrate. See you there next Spring!

Sierra Azul Gardens
2660 E Lake Ave
Watsonville, CA 95076

Last Exhibit of the Year: Curiosities of Clay

jenni ward ceramic sculpture | specimen seriesFor my last show of 2015, I’ll be showcasing work from the Specimen Series at Stripe Design Group in downtown Santa Cruz. These small wall mounted sculptures of intriguing organic compositions will be on display for the month of November. This is a great time to shop local while discovering a unique gift for the creative person in your life!

Meet me at Stripe for First Friday November 6th from 5 – 9 pm!

Curiosities of Clay | Jenni Ward
Stripe Men
November 5 – 30, 2015
Artist Reception Friday November 6th, 5 – 9pm



117 Wal­nut Avenue downtown Santa Cruz
Monday-Friday: 11am -7pm
Saturday: 10am -8pm
Sunday: 10am- 6pm

Words of Inspiration

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | words of inspiration
The work of Jasmine Kay Uy for her University of Texas at Austin Department of Art and Art History Digital Foundations class with Bethany Johnson titled “Art is Pointless…”. The prompt was to create a work that investigated site-specificity, public setting, and text-based art using Illustrator and the vinyl cutter.

New Video Launch of the Bone Series | Atlantic

If you came to Open Studios this year, you got a sneak peek at my latest art adventure – taking work from the Bone Series under the Atlantic Ocean. I’m so excited to share this new video with you that gives you an idea of what went on behind the scenes and gives you a glimpse into a world that inspires me. I hope to continue to share my work both above and below sea level and continue to find the places where art & nature meet.

Class Schedule Change: No Winter Workshop this year!

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Class Schedule Change: No Winter Workshop this year!Normally at this time of year, I’m adding the ever popular Winter Workshop to the schedule of events, I know a lot of you really look forward to this one. Unfortunately, due to some scheduling conflicts we won’t be able to offer the workshop this year. That’s the bad news, BUT the good news is…

There IS a limited time available for scheduling a few private class sessions if you are interested in coming to the studio to make some gifts. We can schedule two 90 minute classes (one for making, one for glazing) for a small group of 1 – 4 students on Tuesdays or Wednesdays during the first two weeks of December. Private classes are $75/student/90 min class, $10 for each additional student with a max of 4 students. Home-schoolers, friends & family (aged 7 – adult) are all welcome to join in. Contact me to schedule your holiday gift making class.



Open Studios 2015 Wraps Up

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | Open Studios 2015 Wraps UpThe green signs are down, the studio is quiet and I am officially exhausted. This year was so fantastic with engaging people visiting, great sales and my team of supporters who make it all possible! I really am humbled by all the support, love and compassion that the community brings to this event.

Ann Ostermann at the Arts Council who organizes this event year after year has never ending enthusiasm and energy to keep it all going. Thanks you Ann for all you do to keep the Arts Alive in Santa Cruz County!

To everyone who visited the studio, thank you for supporting independent artists so we can keep doing what we love!