Good Life Ceramics

Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | blogWelcome Good Life Ceramics!

A new ceramic studio and gallery has just arrived in Santa Cruz and its looking beautiful! The studio will cater to professionals and beginners alike as well as showcasing some of the most talented ceramic artists in the area (I’m so lucky to be included among them!) in the Slip Away Gallery. Pieces from my Nest Series are currently on display in the gallery. The best surprise after setting up the work was the amazing shadows they cast on the wall of the gallery. I’m honored to be showing my work alongside Liz Crain, Gail Ritchie, Sylvia Rios, Yumiko Aso, Sam Clarkson, Karen Hansen, Elaine Pinkernell and more to come. Come by, visit the gallery and add some new art to your collection.



Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture | the dirt | blogOwner John Albrecht along with Jasper Marino and Tom Watson hope “To enlighten and nurture the creative confidence inherent in all” with this new creative space. Join them in celebrating creativity by visiting  the studio at:

Good Life Ceramics
3717 Portola Drive, Santa Cruz, CA 95062
831-515-7560, or Facebook