the gate is up!

For those of you that have been following along on the months long journey of making our main studio gate, I’m excited to share that the gate is up and in place! Nate did a fabulous job fabricating and now I’m starting to add on my art elements to it. Over the course of a full day, I got the majority of the parts installed but the rest of the parts are loaded in the kiln for their final glaze firing. So it will be finished up as soon as those come out of the kiln this weekend. Then we will dismantle the sticks and wire temporary fence we’ve had up for close to a year now! Things take a while to come to fruition around here – a pace that I’m slowly getting used to, and it seems to make the end results even sweeter when they finally do happen!

The ceramic work on the gate panels are from my Bone Series and are typically spaced out more with more negative space in both the ceramic elements and the steel cables that connect them. In this application, I needed the pieces and cables to be densely packed to keep my dogs from jumping through the fence. That’s given me the opportunity to explore a new way of working with a very old series. They become like a taut screen that is solid and obviously not solid at the same time. Of course these installations are all about the shadows, so I’m looking forward to seeing how they change throughout the day.

sculpture garden tour

If you missed it, here’s another chance to take a walk through the sculpture garden!

Want to visit in person? Join us at our next Event or Contact us to book an appointment!

new studio gate is almost ready!

Nate has been welding away on the new studio gate and it’s almost ready to install. He designed it so the bottom has perforated metal panels and the top openings are where I’ll install my art from my Bone Series. He figured out a way of making the loops for me to attach my art to by cutting chain links in half and welding them along the framing. Of course he had to make a little jig to hold each of these loops in place when welding them, so that’s just one more step in the process. Now he’s working on the track for it to roll in, as well as priming and painting all the metal. The priming currently makes it look the color of the golden gate bridge but promise you, we won’t be leaving it that color.

I’ve glazed up a bunch of pieces and will be ready to install them once the gate is in place. I think the shadows the pieces will cast will look great in place – can’t wait to see this collaboration finished up!

el carrito

Many, many months ago I bought a homemade, used tamale cart on a total whim from the nicest guy who told me he made the cart and that he and his daughter used to go around town together selling tamales. It was just too cute to pass up even if I didn’t have a plan for it.

It sat outside my studio for months before I was inspired to give it the name of El Carrito de Arte or The Little Art Cart and even more weeks passed and I finally designed a sticker for it. All of this with still no plan of what it was really going to turn into. Eventually I used some found materials to make a lid for it which I wrapped in some recycled burlap and I lined the inside of it with some more burlap, double sided tape and zip ties, totally making it up as I went. I made a few hooks to hang Art Hearts off the side of it and some chimes for the handle to tinkle when it moved around.

Eventually I came up with a plan to support the lid better so that it could be shifted to be a table for the top of the cart. I found wood boxes that fit to support work on the inside of the cart and also double as a place to store the work when the cart was closed up. And then I found this pink table runner (which matched my kid size bike wheels so perfectly!) that made a divided area under the table so that I could store wrapping supplies and overstock items, making them accessible but also hidden.

Honestly, it makes me smile every time I look at it and I especially love that other than the pink tablecloth, everything was repurposed to make this carrito de arte. I still need some air in my tires and a little lube for turning, but this carrito is ready to make her showing at the next exhibition. And if there’s a truck or trailer in my future, I’ll be able to transfer her around town hawking my wares.

new projects at the studio

We’ve been busy over here with a slew of new projects to help improve the studio and sculpture garden before the next exhibition. I’ve been working on some signage to help those braving the dirt roads with some signs of hope that they are still on the right track. While we will always have our big green flags and sandwich board signs out for events, hopefully these smaller signs will help for everyday visits. We’re still working on getting Google maps to recognize our road – which would be extremely helpful!- but until then, consider yourself in the adventurous club if you’ve made it all the way out here!

Nate has begun building our studio gate, it’s pretty exciting for him to have all of his tools, shop and welder set up to a point where he can create a big project like this. He’s building the framework for the gate and I’ll be filling the voids of the frames with ceramic parts from my Bone Series that will be connected together with steel cables. I’m so excited to see the end results of this plan that has been a long time coming.

on the map

We are officially on the world wide map for Labyrinth Locator!

Our labyrinth is now the 2nd listed labyrinth in Baja and one of 15 in all of Mexico! It is currently made of natural rocks found on our property, but my plan is to eventually exchange all of the natural rocks for my hand-made ceramic rocks so it will change over time and each visit will be a new experience. If you’re in Todos Santos and want to venture north into the desert, come say hi! Contact us to make an appointment today.

Rock Candy Labyrinth at Earth Art Studio

studio tour

If you missed it, here’s another chance to take a peek inside the new studio!

Want to visit in person? Contact us!

mil gracias!

A thousand thank yous to everyone who came out for my very first Todos Santos Open Studios Art Tour! Being in the middle of nowhere, I really didn’t know if anyone would venture out into the desert to visit me – but about 150 brave souls did! Y’all made the event a success and lots of art found new happy homes!

I was also really pleased with the positive feedback on our sculpture trail (el camino de escultura) and all the potential it holds! I’m already planning on getting more work out on the trail and collaborating with other local artists so stay tuned for our next event!

If you missed Open Studios weekend, please reach out and make an appointment to come and visit the studio!

labyrinth love!

Getting some of the new Rock Candy pieces placed on the labyrinth just in time for Open Studios this weekend! While this project will always be a work in progress, I’m loving the process of slowly improving the labyrinth and eventually all of the natural rocks will be replaced with Rock Candy rocks. I’m imagining that the center will be ever changing with different sculptures too.

labyrinth love | the dirt | Jenni Ward ceramic sculpture

Come and walk the labyrinth this weekend Sat + Sun from 10 – 4 for Todos Santos Open Studios Art Tour!

getting ready!

We are getting things ready for Open Studios coming up next weekend! The Umbels are up in the sculpture garden, the final glaze firing is happening and we are cleaning and tidying up the studio.

We still have lots to do and lots of things that in reality, just won’t get done in time, but it’s still going to be great! We are looking forward to sharing our space with the community!

Also, be sure to check out our neighboring artists! The ceramic and painting studio of Christa Assad is just up the street from me and slightly closer to town is the printmaking studio of La Liebre Press who will have 6 artists showcasing at the same location, so it’s definitely worth heading north out of Todos Santos to see some amazing artists at work! Tickets Available Here!